I've been
away for a while.... I suck..... I know.
I'll talk
about that another time possibly......
Today I
was told that my name Tasha meant bag in German. Anyhow I wasn't able to find
that anywhere online.... but what did I find instead?
Does Name "Tasha" Mean
You like to control everyone within your influence, to shape
things to your own liking. If positive, you develop high spirituality, as you
have a God's protection. You are sensitive, affectionate, imaginative and
cooperative, spiritually aware and prone to self-sacrifice. You can keep
secrets and are a good diplomat. You may have healing and psychic powers. You
are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what
you want and why you want it.
Dependable, very down-to-earth and well grounded, you are
always looking for meaningful work, a career where you can take pride in your
work and do the best job you are capable of. Your prime desire is to build
protected and secure environment at home and at work. You can be very
persuasive in achieving goals and gaining objectives. You can be very detailed
and well-organized and possess great organizational skills. At times you may
appear too stubborn and overly critical to others, but your practical approach
to life and productivity makes you one of the most beneficent members of
community. http://www.sevenreflections.com/name-numerology/tasha/
I found
this very interesting and insightful today. Not that any words I read online
will change the course of my path, action or my reality but I do think
that this very much describes me in a way I could never really put into words.
If you put your name in what does it say about you?